Search by Images.If you have an image and you want to get more information about it or you want a similar image but with high resolution then google Images will help you out.In search by images you give an image as a search query and google will give search results with images that similar to query image as well
as text results of websites that have been using that image.
There are also some special Google search techniques.
How To Use Search By images?
Download Search By Images extension for Firefox
After installing these extension in your browsers you can simply right click on any image and use search by images feature.
How Accurate is Google Search By Images?
Search by images as expected doesn’t have 100% accuracy but most of the times gives exact results.
I have performed a random search by using a nature wallpaper and google gave me exact image in results.
as text results of websites that have been using that image.
There are also some special Google search techniques.
How To Use Search By images?
- Go to Google Images by clicking here
- Google has been still rolling this feature.You could only use search by images if you see a camera icon in the search query box
- Drag and Drop:You can directly drag and drop an image in the query box from your computer or a website.
- Copy Image Url: If you have Url of image, you have to click on the Camera icon in the query box and then paste the Url in the new popup query box.
- Upload the Image:To upload an image click on Camera icon in query box and then select Upload an image
- Browser Extension:If you have to use regularly Search By images feature then you can can download extension for google chrome and firefox browsers.
Download Search By Images extension for Firefox
After installing these extension in your browsers you can simply right click on any image and use search by images feature.
How Accurate is Google Search By Images?
Search by images as expected doesn’t have 100% accuracy but most of the times gives exact results.
I have performed a random search by using a nature wallpaper and google gave me exact image in results.